Signature Analysis
Gain a deeper understanding of your colour palette with a comprehensive report and personalized lipstick recommendations.
- 2 colour palette references
- 1 colour palette reference with descriptions
- Zoom background
- Palette fan background
- Personalized report supporting results
- Lipstick colour recommendations
This personalized report is ideal for those who want more information about how their analysis results were obtained but do not need email or technical support.
Discover your true colors with our Virtual Color Analysis service! Unleash your unique style and confidence as we guide you through a personalized color journey. From vibrant hues to subtle tones, unlock the secrets of color harmony and elevate your look to the next level. Embrace your individuality and radiate beauty with the perfect palette tailored just for you. Say goodbye to fashion faux pas and hello to a world of endless possibilities. Let your colors shine bright with Virtual Color Analysis!
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- 2 colour palette references
- 1 colour palette reference with descriptions
- Zoom background
- Colour palette fan background
- Basic report supporting results
Premium Analysis
- 2 colour palette references
- 1 colour palette reference with descriptions
- Zoom background
- Palette fan background
- Lipstick colour recommendation
- Hair colour recommendation
- Personalized best and worst colours
- Detailed personalized report supporting results including colour dimension assessment
- Email support