Find your glow with colour analysis

Want to add to your radiance? Get your virtual colour analysis today!
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What is seasonal colour analysis?

Color analysis is a lifelong investment in your personal style. Colour analysis looks at your skin undertone, hair and eyes to select the perfect hues that will harmonize with your natural colouring to ensure that you will always shine.

Not only will it give you colours that can be mixed and matched, simplifying a coordinated wardrobe, but when you wear your recommended colors, your features sparkle, and you exude energy and confidence, boosting your personal charisma.

Lift your face

By drawing the eye upwards to your best features, the right colours will give the illusion of lifted facial contours - a facelift without any surgery

Find your glow

Your best palette is custom selected for you to work with your natural colouring to make your skin glow, hair shine and eyes sparkle!

Look refreshed

Your best colours are selected based on what makes your skin look the healthiest and will minimize facial details like blemishes, hyperpigmentation and under eye shadows

Make shopping easy

Having a colour palette makes shopping a breeze as you will know exactly which colours to look for and which ones to avoid

Get ready faster

Your seasonal colour palette is cohesive and will allow you to mix and match your wardrobe with ease

Boost your confidence

Wearing your best colours can enhance your self confidence, executive presence and personal power. It's easier to see you and not just what you are wearing

Browse Our Portfolio

Before and After Client Stories

"Discovering that I'm a True Winter was a game-changer. The colors from this palette harmonize effortlessly with my skin tone, and brought new life into my wardrobe. The process was easy and Kayla was great to work with.  It's incredible how a simple revelation can completely transform your style and self-assurance. If you're on the fence about color analysis, take the leap — you won't regret it!

Shop Prismatic Style

Your colour analysis journey starts here

Discover the perfect color analysis package for you, customized to your ideal level of detail and support

Frequently Asked Questions

How does virtual seasonal colour analysis work?


You'll send photos of yourself without makeup in natural light. This allows the analyst to assess your skin tone, hair color, and eye color.

Drape Analysis

Virtually, the analyst will "drape" digital swatches of different color palettes over your photos. They'll observe how each color interacts with your natural coloring, highlighting which palettes enhance your features and make you look radiant.​

Personalized Palette & Guide

Based on the drape analysis, you'll receive your personalized color palette and a guide. This guide explains how to incorporate your best colors into your wardrobe, makeup, and accessories, boosting your confidence and overall look.​

Meet the Founder

About Kayla

Color isn't just something we see, it's a confidence-unlocking superpower! I'm Kayla Polet, and on this vibrant journey with me, you'll discover how color analysis transformed my life (think: ditching the post-partum neutrals for radiant self-expression). Now, let's unlock your unique color palette, ditch the style rut, and paint your world with the confidence you deserve!

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